Tuesday, January 21, 2025

PT Ace Multitrans Cargo

Call Us    62-21 2260-4233

Custom Brokerage Services


Sea Freight


With our operated in house custom brokerage division is enabling us to have direct control and monitoring of all inbound and out bond custom clearance procedures.

Greater efficiency and accuracy is being assured linked via EDI system to customs department. This is a great advantage for handling yours.

Import & Export Documentation Requirement

Sometime not many customer has now what are document must provided for Indonesian custom purpose when they do export/import due to strict regulation, we always reminder our valuable

Clients how is important to provide docs needed completely, as follows :

  • NIB (Nomor Induk Bersama)
  • NIK (Nomor Induk Kepabeanan)
  • API (Angka Pengenal Import)
  • NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak)
  • SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha Perusahaan)
  • TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan)

Air Freight


We have our in house custom brokerage division, enabling us to have direct control and monitoring of all inbound and out bond custom clearance procedures.

Greater efficiency and accuracy is being assured linked via EDI system to customs department.

This is a great advantage for handling your valuable goods.

Import & Export Documentation Requirement

Clients need to prepare complete documents when they have export/import shipment, for general cargo as follows :

  • NIB (Nomor Izin Berusaha) Business Permit Number
  • NIK (Nomor Induk Kepabeanan) Customs Identification Number
  • API (Angka Pengenal Import) Importer Identification Number
  • NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) Company Tax Registration Number
  • SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan) Company Trading Business Licence
  • TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan) Company Registered Number

Import / Export docs requirement for custom purpose


1. NIB/Nomor Induk Bersama (Single Business Number)
Having custom access is essential so that you can use the custom service to the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. By having the custom access, you can get the information regarding your custom status, etc. As the exporter or the importer, you also must have the custom access number. Now, it is easier because you have to show your NIB only to get the custom access, no more necessary to show NIK, API, NPWP, SIUP, TDP, NPIK.
The existence of the NIB is so necessary and can simplify the business registration. So, if you intend to open or expand a business in Indonesia, then you must open the OSS site as soon as possible. Don’t forget to register your business as PT (Perseroan Terbatas / limited liability companies) first before you open the site and register the business on ward.
If you have any question regarding the NIB registration, you can search/contact the OSS Lounge or just come to OSS Lounge that is located in the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs of Indonesia.
There are no more necessary to provide the company documentations such as NIK, API, NPWP, SIUP & TDP.


2. Additional Special Import License
As for importation commodity such as Textile, Iron/Steel, Shoe, Toy & Used Cargo, consignee or shipper must submit and apply to Indonesian trade dept to get the special licenses.
Following import special license should being applied by customer prior to ship the cargo to Indonesia, it’s depend on the HS code number

•  LS (Laporan Surveyor) / Indonesia Surveyor Agency
•  PI (Persetujuan Import) / Importation Approval
•  Label Bahasa Indonesia / Tag Product
•  SNI (Sertificate Nasional Indonesia) / Indonesia Standard Product
•  IP (Importer Produsen)